
Showing posts from January, 2022

Liberals fail to understand the Indian Problem

The term ‘liberal’ or ‘liberalism’ is undergoing a transformation in recent times. It is not what it meant a couple of decades ago. Today in India, liberal is associated with a wealthy lot who discuss poverty in Starbucks at Khan Market. More or less, they are left-leaning and dislike the BJP and the Modi government.  Unfortunately, like how India has skewed the meaning of critical terms like secularism, even ‘liberal’ or ‘liberalism’ is understood, some would say differently, but I would say wrongly in India.  A liberal is someone who stands for principles like substantive equality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc., A liberal by definition is someone who is open to ideas and discussions and most important, evidence. Unfortunately, the ones who are associated with liberalism in India act contrary to the fundamental facets of liberalism and some even call themselves liberals though they are not.  And in India, we miss this point. We fail to understand the meaning of liberali