COVID-19, vaccines, modern medicine and humanity

2020 was a year of uncertainty. Uncertainty was looming over every aspect of our lives. The healthcare institutions were uncertain about the protocols, the economy was crashing due to uncertainty, educational institutions were scheduling, postponing and cancelling examinations, and it was also uncertain if a person infected with the virus will come out of the hospital alive. If I were to use one word to describe 2020, it will be- uncertainty.  

However, 2021 is different. Uncertainty is abating with every passing month. The cause for the receding uncertainty in the economy, medical science, college and school schedules, and governance, in general, is primarily (if not only) because of vaccines. Even though India saw one of the worst impacts of COVID-19 in the months of April-May, faster vaccination was the only long term hope to get out of the dreadful COVID-19 situation. 

When WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public emergency of international concern in January 2020, not many people thought it will turn into a pandemic. But in March 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 to be pandemic. Thousands of people died in just a few months. Cremation sites were running out of wood to burn the dead bodies and burial grounds were running out of land. Economies were crashing. But while this was going on scientists and medical professionals across the world were working tirelessly to develop a vaccine that will end the pandemic forever. They realised that vaccine is the only way out of the calamitous COVID-19 pandemic.  

One might blame capitalism for all the miseries in the world today (wrongly, of course), but one cannot deny that it was capitalistic economies that led the development of vaccines. The most sought after vaccines are Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and other vaccines developed in the western countries. Of course, covaxin was developed in India by an Indian company. However, hardly any developed nation has used this vaccine on its people. Further, covaxin was not a pioneer in the development of vaccines. While most other vaccines were being administered to people after the third trial, covaxin still hadn't received the results of the third trial. One must therefore be a bit cautious before dismissing the importance of capitalistic economies in development of the world. 

Irrespective of who made the vaccines first and what kind of economy was faster in developing the vaccines, what is important is that vaccines are saving lives. The reason why I am writing on this topic is because I got myself fully vaccinated today. The doctor took out the vial that contained water-like fluid, filled it into the syringe and injected it into my body. While this might sound very normal and quotidian, what fascinates me is that the water-like liquid did not exist one year back. The water-like fluid took billions of dollars of research and development and the resolute commitment of scientists to be made.  Governments, hospitals, international organisations, common people were all waiting in desperation for 0.3-0.5 ml of this fluid, that is now saving the lives of millions. 

People also blamed WHO and other medical institutions for revising the protocols very frequently. It was said that these medical institutions themselves do not know what to do. Unfortuanately, what most of these people do not understand is how science works. Science makes predictions based on available data. When there is lack of data and people are dying, scientists and medical professionals are forced to make sense of what is happening with whatever information they have. The very fact that medical institutions were revising their guidelines shows that they were constantly studying the effects of their protocol and if it did not work, they did not hesitate to revise it. 

Ironically, the ones who are concerned about the protocols of WHO and other scientific research institutions do not utter a word against  Ayurveda that claims to be scientific while no real research is going on in the field. Of course, Ayurveda has benefits. I don't deny that. But to develop better treatment and medicines, there must be research. Merely claiming to be as good as modern medical science is not good enough.

Modern medicine now is expanding its scope beyond the mechanical approach to treatment to a more holistic approach that includes mindfulness and other methods typically used in Ayurvedic treatment. Unfortunately, Ayurveda is stunted because of its unconditional love for ancient scriptures to develop medicines and treatments for the 21st century. Use the knowledge in ancient texts if it is scientifically sound. But don't get stuck there. Worse that Ayurveda is homeopathy. It is a scam. Homeopathy can never be scientific because it essentially claims that more you dilute something, more potent it becomes. This is the fundamental principle on which Homeopathy is based. And this is against everything we know in science. Of course, science may be wrong. But one must prove it. All homeopathy does is make claims, with no evidence. Everyone practicing homeopathy are either living a lie or  administering non-homeopathic treatment in the name of homeopathy. 

COVID-19 vaccines are a victory for modern medicine and humanity. It reinforces one's trust in science, per se modern medicine. All forms of medicines including homoeopathy (or fake-opathy) had the same time to develop a medicine. But I did not see anyone running to homoeopathy hospitals while gasping for oxygen. I did not see any Ayurvedic institution launching a vaccine. I did not see Ram dev bhakts outside Patanjali outlets to buy coronil to treat COVID-19 during the second wave. 

Every injection of vaccine strengthens the case for modern medicine. COVID-19 pandemic is a true moment of catharsis for those who believe that  if science cannot find a way, then nothing can. Science developed the vaccines. Science is saving lives. So, if you have not received your second dose, think of the effort of scientists and billions of dollars that went in to make the 0.5ml of the water-like fluid when you are at the vaccination centre next time. Vaccine is the evidence for the competence of humanity and the power of science. 

Nikhil Erinjingat 

Why homeopathy does not work- 

Read Steven Pinker's Book 'The Enlightenment Now' to know more about the impact of science and rationalism on economy, health, democracy and other vital institutions. 


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